Scholarly publications
Includes peer reviewed journals within and adjacent to behavior analysis
(Starred journals available to BCBAs through the BACB portal)
Behavior Analysis in Practice
10/7 Grey, H.C., Morris, C., Perrin, J. et al. Evaluating the Effects of Compound Stimuli on Stimulus Control during Match-to-Sample Procedures. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
Compound stimuli can increase efficiency of learning, but at the risk that responding can come under control of just one aspect of the stimulus. The authors provide a method to evaluate compound stimuli
10/8 Quigley, S.P., Weiss, M.J., Zane, T. et al. Ethics Discourse in a Recurring Journal Format: A Proposal to Increase Ethics Discussion and Supports for Ethical Decision-Making. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
To increase exposure to ethics resources, the authors make a pitch to include ethics topics in a recurring format in journals. Their format is detailed in the appendices
10/10 Bergmann, S., Harman, M.J., Brand, D. et al. A Survey of Procedural-Fidelity Data Collection in Behavior-Analytic Practice. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
In a survey of 203 practitioners, the most common form of procedural fidelity data collection was checklists while observing a supervisee. Barriers include a lack of resources and time, and no requirement to collect this type of data
Quigley, S.P., Haag, M., Bly, L. et al. Ethics Dialogue: Spelling to Communicate as a Treatment Recommendation. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
The supplementary information has a file that includes allusions to a problem: someone has recommended a communication method that is similar to facilitated communication. The supplementary info includes commentary from several authors on how this could be handled
10/11 Raulston, T.J., Ousley, C.L., Hinton, E.M. et al. Beyond Trial Counts: Considerations for Measuring Play and Engagement During Early Intervention for Autistic Children. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).
The authors compare NDBI and NET for teaching play skills, and recommend using rate for measuring specific actions and intervals or rating scales for engagement
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management *
10/9 Essig, L., Edwards, T. L., Lotfizadeh, A., & Poling, A. (2024). Motivating operations in the Journal of Organizational Behavior Management: An update. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 1–22.
From 2013-2022 the authors found 40 articles in JOBM that use the term "motivating operations." Some use it to refer to rules or verbal stimuli, which Michael did not include in his foundational work. However, the authors argue in favor of broadening the definition to include these stimuli
Behavioral Interventions *
10/9 Miak, G., Zane, T., Kuhn, R. M., & Koegel, L. (2024). Using self-management strategies to improve toothbrushing for adults in supported community living. Behavioral Interventions, e2062.
A self-management checklist improved brushing in 3 adults, and is available in the supporting information section
Perspectives on Behavior Science
10/7 Newland, M.C. The Proper Calculation of Risk Ratios: How and Why. Perspect Behav Sci (2024).
(Open access) The author claims a prior PBoS article on risk ratios was done incorrectly, and explains how to calculate risk ratios
Behavior and Social Issues
10/6 Alavosius, M.P., Rakos, R.F. & Krispin, J.V. Three Recent Books on Social Media Manipulation, Misunderstanding Science, and Caring about Future People: Opportunities for Behavior Analysts. Behav. Soc. Iss. (2024).
Three mass-market books and how they can inspire behavior analysis
10/7 Aljadeff, E., Fraidlin, A., Gur, M. et al. The Effect of Reduced Response Effort and Visual Prompts on Mask-Wearing. Behav. Soc. Iss. (2024).
In a condition with a prompt and reduced response effort (e.g., masks available), people wore masks more often. When response effort increased (e.g., masks not freely available), the rate of mask wearing declined
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions *
10/7 Rispoli, M. J., & Machalicek, W. (2024). Introduction to the Special Issue: Focus on Families. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 0(0).
PBS in the home? Is that called "ABA"?
The Psychological Record
10/7 Sheridan, D.J., Anderson, A.N. & Rapp, J.T. A Cross-Cultural Replication and Validation of the Generalized Pliance and Tracking Questionnaire. Psychol Rec (2024).
In a replication, 2 questionnaires focused on rule-governed behavior found similar cross-cultural results as previous studies
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
10/7 Zhu, Y., Davis, N.O., Franz, L. et al. Factors Associated with Caregivers’ Decisions to Pursue a Diagnostic Evaluation After a Positive Autism Screen in Primary Care. J Autism Dev Disord (2024).
Black families are the least likely racial group to complete an autism assessment. This seems related to a lack of trust in medicine brought about by decades of mistreatment
Journal of Behavioral Education
10/11 King, S., Feng, L., Glazek, C. et al. Developing Smart Virtual Reality to Teach Functional Communication Training. J Behav Educ (2024).
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
10/9 Effects of a randomized controlled trial of mobile app-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on depressive symptoms and process variables in college students - Focusing on the mediating effects of acceptance and cognitive defusion-
(In press) An app works in Korea
Capturing the context of drug use for college students: A Contextual Behavioural Science informed qualitative Analysis of Harm reduction practices using network feedback loops simulation modelling
(Open access) (In press) Main takeaways: to decrease drug use, it helps to increase awareness of triggers; increase awareness of drug effects (particularly negative and unpredictable effects); and increase awareness of how drugs can interfere with values and valued actions. These messages should be delivered by a person or organization who people trust
Book publications
Textbooks, handbooks, manuals, or mass-market
Training Human Service Staff: Evidence-Based Strategies for Promoting Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Trainee Acceptance, Reid & Green
A Practical Guide to Functional Assessment and Treatment for Severe Problem Behavior, Jessel & Sturmey (Available 11/1)
The Behavior of Social Justice: Applying Behavior Analysis to Understand and Challenge Injustice, Parks et al.
Handbook of Organizational Performance, Volume I: Foundations and Advances, Edited by Douglas Johnson & C Merle Johnson
Psychology Essentials for Behavior Analysts, Edited by Toby & Ranade
Writing Skills for Behavior Analysts: A Practical Guide for Students and Clinicians, Edited by Reinecke, Knihtila, Papazian, Heyman & Bratton
Behavior Modification: What It Is and How To Do It, Martin & Pear
Sloan publishing
When Text Speaks: Learning to Read & Reading to Learn, Ross & Greer
Reflections on Behaviorism and Society: Extended Edition, 2024, B. F. Skinner
Ethics: Proactive and Practical Decision Making for Behavior Analysts, LeBlanc & Karsten
Perspectives on Neurodiversity and Belonging: Reflections for Behavior Analysts, Dyer, Weiss, Tereshko, & Linnehan (eds.)
2023: A list here
ABA Inside Track
Bonus Episode 34 - (LIVE) Why Behavior Analysts Should Study Attendance: The Example of School Refusal
Behavior Analysis in Practice BAPCast
S7E5: Self-Control Training: A Scoping Review with Kacey Finch and Kathryn Kestner
Behavioral Observations
Una exploración acerca de la Latinidad en el análisis de conducta: BOP en Español 11
Generally these are produced by professionals
The (Political) Organism is Always Right (#5): To Vote or Not To Vote
A post by Natalie Parks fails to examine the system, instead focusing on positive and negative reinforcement, which are arguably not directly involved in voting behavior
Licensing & professional organizations
BF Skinner Foundation
Skinner session on 10/25
Includes conversations from top behaviorists
Business world
Autism services, behavioral health, etc.
MassHealth Announces Accreditation Requirement for Applied Behavior Analysis Providers
Is this a good sign: people pushing for quality, accreditation, licensure? Is this a bad sign: funding sources throwing up unreasonable barriers as a way of reigning in costs? Is there some Bitcoin influencer using OpenAI to make his own accrediting organization overnight (and is the BHCOE jealous?).
Accidentally behavior analysis
A mainstream news article that relates to behavior analysis
Inside the Anti-Vax Facebook Group Pushing a Bogus Cure for Autism, Wired
“Detox” supplements have been popular for over 20 years and are sometimes harmful (chelation, Miracle Mineral Supplement [which is bleach], “vitamins”), while the liver removes most “toxins.” A mention in our article roundup, Spelling 2 Communicate (watch it in action here) is just Facilitated Communication (debunked very well in 1993). Sensory integration or a sensory diet, including brushing, is still mysteriously popular. For more like this, attend a conference and check out the “pseudoscience” lecture that inevitably happens.
Continuing education
BehaviorLive has a list of events, some of which are free: 10/14 (ETH), 10/15 (ETH), 10/29, 10/30 (SUP)
An objective measure of rapport-building behaviors
In a 7-year-old article, learn how to build rapport with a 7-year-old with 7 easy steps. Very helpful to define what you want staff, a parent, or a teacher to do. There is an altogether different article that describes rapport-building procedures with adults, and how it decreased problem behavior with staff who implemented it.